Wednesday, July 30, 2008

so I chopped it off

Usually when I'm feeling helpless and out of control, I need to change something. So I chose to change my hair again. I chopped it off. I love it, but I can't get a good picture. Mostly because I've gained weight again and I hate the holdie-outies that make my chin fat so pronounced. So here's the one you're gonna get. It isn't styled particularly well nor do I look especially great, but it's me and that's good enough for now. And you can all see my messy desk. UGH!! Oh yeah, ignore the date too. My camera is off about a month...aren't we all??


Kate said...

Holy cow! You are so brave! It looks great! And I'm glad you are liking it. I hear it's pretty hot and miserable down there, I'm sure this will be a nice change for the rest of summer.

Also, why do I not recognize this spot in your house at all??

Em said...

I think you look great, as always! :) I also didn't recognize this spot in the house...

Michele said...

Cute hair, Aubrey!! :)