So we've been busy with ball games. Maggie and Gabe have finished their t-ball games.
They both really enjoyed themselves. And I can't find any of the pictures I took this year. What a mom huh? So here's one a friend of mine took.
Arlington is still playing for the next two weeks. I'll be glad when his season is done.

He's been doing pretty well hitting. I still think he's not going to be our athlete. There just is a lack of enthusiasm for it. But he seems to enjoy going at least.
Maggie and Arlington are in a play this summer. It's called "How to Eat Like a Child...And Other Lessons In Not Being a Grown-up." It is based on a book by the same name. I really can't wait to see it. This is where Arlington's talents should really excel!
We are preparing for our annual 4th of July party and part of that prep included t-shirts. So the kids got to make their own this year.
We've also had the summer reading program at the library. We go every Wednesday and they hear a story, sing and dance, do some sort of craft and have a snack. They have to turn in points for every minute read and after 600, get a free ticket to the Peoria Chiefs game. We have gone 2 (maybe 3) times now and just love it. It's such a great time and since it's library night, they always have the kids walk around the field before the game and fireworks after. Its a great time!
(Gabe's in the yellow shirt w/plaid shorts on the left, Arlington on the right in camo, and Mags is on the right w/ a pink hat and pink Talk, Talk, Talk shirt.)
Darrell and I have been busy trying to get our yard in decent shape and we had tons to do before he left this morning for WI for the next 3 days working. We planted lots in front of our house, he got the gate built for our fence and we weeded our garden (it was in a sad state of affairs!!) The kids spent most of the time in the pool while we worked, but when we were done, they played in the front getting fireflies. Gabe was at Grammy's this particular weekend, so he's not in the photos.
Lastly, here's a few pics we let the kids take just before going to catch the fireflies.