Boys being boys...they decided the floor boards would be put to better use as ramps for skateboards and things. It lasted for only a while.
Then the floor boards started going up and the kids started to decide they were going to climb. Darrell hung a tree climber on the tree and up they went. Here Maggie was "helping" Brennan with something like maybe handing down his water.
Darrell then added the "trusses/tresses" I forget what they're called. I'd call 'em cross braces. This really solidified the frame and started making it look more like a tree house and less like a floating floor.
Then when all this was looking good, the play was starting and the boys needed to shower while the kids and I scurried to get their costumes and makeup on. Brennan had to leave the next morning but he promised breakfast in the fort before heading out. Here are those shots.
This meant Darrell and I would have to do a few things ourselves. Could we do it? Oh sure we could. And do it we did (Get your minds outta the gutter folks!!) Tuesday morning after the kids got to school (and I got outta bed) we packed up and went to home depot. We got our 4x4 and 1x1 railing pieces and then found these cool post caps that are solar lights. Awesomeness!!!
It did take us two days to get the railings done, but they're done and now the kids can use it almost safetly. There are a few small things we've yet to do, but for now, its awesome fun!!