Then I picked up Gabe and Bella from Preschool and got Arlington out of school so he could got to his allergist appointment. We didn't know what to expect with that. I was so relieved Darrell took the day off so he could keep Gabe and pick up Maggie and my friends son, Isaac from school. I have pictures of Arlington's visit.
Here's the concept. They take forty common allergens; ragweed, molds, pets, blah, blah, blah; and then graph your skin with numbers and begin pricking your skin forty times.
Then you sit for 20 mins to see how you react. Now, after being poked 10 times, Arlington was about ready to expire and had a hard time not crying (although nobody would have minded if he did cry).
The nurse came in after about 10 mins and told him to just hang tight (as he's writhing in pain and itchiness) and the dr came after the 20 mins were up. He said "Let's see what you're allergic to" and after seeing his back, he laughed and said "It'll be easier to tell you what you're not allergic to." Upon closer examination, he concluded that Arlington is allergic to everything, even the placebo. now we've got a plan of attack that even the Army would get nervous about. It'll be a lot of work, but we'll do a little at a time and see what happens. We've got all new medications. I'm hoping for big changes, in allergies, asthma and attitudes!!
Oh my! Poor Arlington with the allery tests and finding out he's allergic to most everything. What a trooper. I hope he's feeling better now.
Congrats on your card sales; that's great! :)
Oh my gosh the poor kid! This looks awful. I hope the new meds work out get some of the allergies under control.
Also, like Em said, congrats on the card sales, that's terrific!
Oh goodness! I can see why they'd say it's easier to tell what he's not allergic to! I'm hoping this helps Arlington out of the miserables. I can't imagine what this poor kid is going through! And his mom too!
I'm very jealous of you crafty little bugs! Congrats on the card sales! That's awsome!
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