Our first day off the kids got to play in the snow because it was still warm and we had atleast 4 inches.

They had such fun running around the yard while I sat on the radiator INSIDE and took pics of them playing.
I love this picture of Maggie gathering branches to make antenna for the snow bugs they made.
Today and tomorrow though, no one will be able to play outside since it has been in the negatives before the windchill and it just isn't safe to be out there. Hopefully the weekend will warm up and they'll be able to make a snowman or something fun.
Seeing these pictures brings back fond memories of sledding over at the golf course as kids and then coming in for hot chocolate. I miss being a kid!
Hopefully tomorrow will be a little nicer for the munchkins to get outside again!
I love the new picture of you and Shelly; you look great! Are you two wearing the same sweater in different colors?
Yep, we got them last year for Christmas from Mom and every time one of us has shown up wearing it, the other always has it on.
I miss the golf course hills. There isn't really anything like that around here. Although the neighbor took the boys a few weeks ago with his daughter and they had a blast out on a farm.
Isn't this weather crazy??? I was sort of in your neighborhood today...an improptu trip to Peoria for some shopping. I need to venture to Henry some day when the kids are in school. Hope you survive the "mini-break"!
Sorry...impromptu. I really can spell! Apparently can't type, though!
Wow Em, you're good - I must not pay enough attention to detail because I didn't notice that you guys had the same sweater on. Isn't that funny that you always wear it on the same day.
Cute pictures, Aubrey! The kids look like they're having a blast! I love that they made snow bugs - how cute!!
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