Tuesday, September 1, 2009

my non-existent life

So I feel like I haven't been connecting for a long time and I'm gonna apologize for that. But fact of the matter is I've not been very good at keeping this thing up except in the beginning. I'm so envious of my friends who are regulars at maintaining their blogs. You rock!

So, instead I'll post a few pics and try to keep you hanging. ;)

These are the only pics I took from the 1st day of school. I didn't take any of the kids I babysit. That would have been nice of me. But I don't think the 5th grader would have cooperated. For Gabe's first day of school, I forgot my camera. Thankfully Miss Sheila let me take pics w/ her camera. She printed this one out for me.

Here is the chalkboard that Darrell's grandfather had made. It was originally green, but the surface needed a lot of care. So I got a can of chalkboard spray paint and took care of that. Then I wanted a new wipe board that had 2-3 months instead of just one. So I pulled out a white metal surface sheet I had and put that in the frame. Darrell cut the vinyl for the board to include 2 months and the daily job chart for a week. He also cut the phrase above so it looks nice.