Easter Pictures. I can't believe I didn't have someone take a picture of the family with me in it. We all matched nicely. Bummer!!
Crazy hair day at the school and Maggie turned 7.
It seems ages since I've written and when I checked, it has been. November was my last post. Where has time gone? I realized that it's about the time I got L at my house. Having a baby around really throws off my schedule. But I'm loving having him here. Now he's almost 8mths and moves around like crazy. I've also got a 3 mth old now B and her older brothers who I had before for a while. It keeps me hopping.
The only major drawback of babysitting is the lack of being able to participate w/ my own kids classes. But Darrell has stepped up a bit to volunteer for field trips and that takes the edge of guilt off a bit.
So what's currently going on in my life besides the 7 kids (8 if you include Darrell) I'm watching? Well, our MOPS group is really doing well. We're going into our 5th full year. I stepped down from Coordinator (and am more than happy to do so!) and will now assume the Care Team leader. All that's required is know what is going on with all our members and see if anyone needs anything. Perfect! I was told I do that naturally already. Which is probably true since I seem to know more in 4 yrs about these women than some know after a lifetime. What can I say? I'm NOSEY! I got an e-mail from corporate and was asked to do a book review in a few weeks about a new book called Momology A Moms Guide to Shaping Great Kids. I can't wait. I think it will be a great read.
I'm also still going crazy with the knitting! Hats, baby blankets, washcloths, leg warmers, arm guards for bow hunting...you name it, I'm gonna try it!
The sunhats I made Maggie and myself
Arlington is turning 9!!!!! tomorrow. I can't believe it. It's a sure sign I'm getting old!
I can't get over how old the kids look!!
And I love all your knitting projects - you are doing such an awesome job. Those hats and that sweater are FAB!
You rock the knitting, Aubrey. Seriously, really cool stuff! I liked reading more about what you've been up to lately! :)
Hey there - Will you keep us posted on what you thought of that Momology book you mentioned you'll be reading and reviewing? It sounds interesting! :)
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